
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
EP 84: Doctors, Data Theft, and Cyber Liability Protection (Part 2 of 2)
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Ten years ago, no one talked about cyber liability insurance. That's changed. So has the world. The laundry list of cyber security threats that COULD disrupt a doctor's practice is growing. Doctors need an expert who can help them prioritize the risks specific to their practice and act accordingly - BEFORE it's too late. Enter Teddy Gillen. Teddy and Dr. Segal discuss how doctors can survive cyber attacks like ransomware, data theft, and more. Our podcast has the details...

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
EP 83: Doctors, Data Theft, and Cyber Liability Protection (Part 1 of 2)
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Ten years ago, no one talked about cyber liability insurance. That's changed. So has the world. The laundry list of cyber security threats that COULD disrupt a doctor's practice is growing. Doctors need an expert who can help them prioritize the risks specific to their practice and act accordingly - BEFORE it's too late. Enter Teddy Gillen. Teddy and Dr. Segal discuss how doctors can survive cyber attacks like ransomware, data theft, and more. Our podcast has the details...

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
EP 82: Charting the Healthcare Professional’s Path to Wealth (Part 2)
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Healthcare professionals possess high-earning potential. That’s not news. But their path to wealth is different. That’s why it’s critical they consult with experts. Ideally, seasoned pros with a visceral understanding of both medicine and finance.
We’ve collaborated with our colleagues at Medical Justice to deliver those insights to you via their podcast, the Medical Liability Minute.
Medical Justice Founder and CEO, Dr. Jeff Segal, and Mr. Jefferey Taxman, the principal of Physicians Financial Services, discuss blueprints for achieving wealth in a special two-part podcast. This is a whirlwind tour. Dr. Segal and Mr. Taxman outline the paths to wealth that will help you thrive - and how to avoid the pitfalls that create havoc. Your wealth (and the financial security of those who count on you) is invaluable. Our collaborative podcast dispenses pearls of wisdom that pay dividends.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
EP 81: The Radonda Vaught Verdict from a Nurse’s Perspective (Part 2 of 2)
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
RaDonda Vaught worked as a nurse at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center between 2015 and January 2018. If you follow medical news outlets, you are likely familiar with Vaught’s case. She mistakenly injected a patient with a paralytic agent, killing her. Healthcare professionals are concerned her case could set a precedent for criminalizing medical errors. Will it? Tina Vinsant is a registered nurse with a BSN from Lincoln Memorial University in East Tennessee. Tina has been a nurse for six years. She worked for four and a half years in a Progressive Care Unit at the region's only level one trauma center. She worked as a team leader in this PCU as a certified Progressive Critical Care Nurse for over a year. She has since moved to the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit and is now a certified Critical Care Registered Nurse. Tina also operates her own podcast, Good Nurse, Bad Nurse. Medical Justice speaks with Tina at length about Vaught's case, outcomes, and sentencing. The Vaught case will impact ALL healthcare professionals. During these events, a nurse's perspective is invaluable. Our podcast has the details...

Friday Aug 26, 2022
EP 80: Charting the Healthcare Professional’s Path to Wealth (Part 1)
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Healthcare professionals possess high-earning potential. That’s not news. But their path to wealth is different. That’s why it’s critical they consult with experts. Ideally, seasoned pros with a visceral understanding of both medicine and finance.
We’ve collaborated with our colleagues at Medical Justice to deliver those insights to you via their podcast, the Medical Liability Minute.
Medical Justice Founder and CEO, Dr. Jeff Segal, and Mr. Jefferey Taxman, the principal of Physicians Financial Services, discuss blueprints for achieving wealth in a special two-part podcast. This is a whirlwind tour. Dr. Segal and Mr. Taxman outline the paths to wealth that will help you thrive - and how to avoid the pitfalls that create havoc. Your wealth (and the financial security of those who count on you) is invaluable. Our collaborative podcast dispenses pearls of wisdom that pay dividends.

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
EP 79: The Radonda Vaught Verdict from a Nurse’s Perspective (Part 1 of 2)
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
RaDonda Vaught worked as a nurse at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center between 2015 and January 2018. If you follow medical news outlets, you are likely familiar with Vaught’s case. She mistakenly injected a patient with a paralytic agent, killing her. Healthcare professionals are concerned her case could set a precedent for criminalizing medical errors. Will it? Tina Vinsant is a registered nurse with a BSN from Lincoln Memorial University in East Tennessee. Tina has been a nurse for six years. She worked for four and a half years in a Progressive Care Unit at the region's only level one trauma center. She worked as a team leader in this PCU as a certified Progressive Critical Care Nurse for over a year. She has since moved to the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit and is now a certified Critical Care Registered Nurse. Tina also operates her own podcast, Good Nurse, Bad Nurse. Medical Justice speaks with Tina at length about Vaught's case, outcomes, and sentencing. The Vaught case will impact ALL healthcare professionals. During these events, a nurse's perspective is invaluable. Our podcast has the details...

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
EP 77: Bad News, Wrong Man. Patient‘s Prostate Removed by Mistake.
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Eric Spang underwent a routine prostate examination in late-2020. His blood test revealed elevated levels of a prostate-specific antigen (PSA). This sometimes indicates the presence of prostate cancer. He underwent a biopsy to confirm. When his biopsy came back apparently positive, Mr. Spang and his wife discussed his options and his doctor. After seeking a second opinion, surgeons removed Mr. Spang’s prostate, believing the procedure would save his life. It wasn’t until the procedure concluded that the surgeons realized the mistake. Mr. Spang did not have prostate cancer...

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
The patient/plaintiff was a 78-year-old man. Doctors identified and removed what they believed was a basal cell carcinoma on his arm. Turns out, it was melanoma. When the patient was eventually diagnosed with melanoma, the disease was advanced. The plaintiff's attorney argued that the initial misdiagnosis damaged his client's chances of survival. But did it? There's a legal theory called "loss of chance." The idea is that when a patient has a horrible prognosis, doctors aren't always liable for a bad outcome. But details matter. Here's what doctors need to know...

Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
The pandemic has spawned numberless medico-legal challenges. We bring three of the most interesting to your attention. A Texas man staunchly opposed to vaccination threatens a Maryland doctor with violence. Another man in his 40s falsely claims he paid a friend suffering from COVID to visit a local grocery store and lick produce. An Idaho medical association wages war against one of its own leaders when he publically advocates prescribing Ivermectin to treat COVID. Only in the midst of a pandemic do these events make even a little sense.

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
The defendant practiced as a fertility specialist in the 1980s. Several of his patients were told they would receive sperm samples donated by medical students. The lawsuit alleges he skirted this detail, substituting his own sperm. He impregnated multiple women. Flash forward to the late 2010s - a young woman in her 30s is examined by the defendant. This woman is the man's biological daughter. When this woman investigated her own genetic heritage, she learned the truth...